Web Publishing Tools
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Web Publishing Tools
New web publishing tools for independent publishers
Curated by Robin Good
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Scooped by Robin Good
April 12, 2013 4:12 PM

Showcase, License and Monetize All of Your Best Images with Imgembed

Imgembed allows image creators to track where their images are being used and set permissions to every website using them. Users can use images for free by p...
Robin Good's insight:

Imgembed allows web publishers and image creators to store, organize and to protect the use of their images by providing a system that makes it easy to find, utilize and reward image owners instantly.

Imgembed offers the opportunity to let others use your images for free by crediting and linking back to you or by paying by CPM for their usage.

The service also allows you to create your own image portoflio, to customize the display of your images, track where they are being displayed, add watermarks easily and set your own price for use.

Imgembed taps directly into your image collections inside Facebook, Flickr, Instagram and Picasa allowing you to pick and select which images to make available to others. Finally it also acts as a free image search hub, making it very easy to find pictures that you can use immediately.

Free to use. (You pay a flat 30% fee on your rvenues).

Try it out now: http://imgembed.com/

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Scooped by Robin Good
March 14, 2013 1:02 PM

WordPress Theme Development: Alternative Approaches and Tools

WordPress Theme Development: Alternative Approaches and Tools | Web Publishing Tools | Scoop.it
In this article, we’ll look at some of the different wordpress theme options, and how to develop them, with tips on which approach might be most suitable for your website and circumstances.
Robin Good's insight:

"If you’re starting out building WordPress themes or want to develop a system for building them more efficiently or robustly, how do you decide which approach to take?"

In this article by Rachel McCollin, you will find quite a bit of useful information describing how WordPress themes work and which are some of the different approaches available to developing them.

The options analyzed are:

  • Build a theme from scratch,
  • Edit (or “hack,” some might say) an existing theme,
  • Use the theme customizer to tweak an existing theme,
  • Create a child theme to make changes to an existing theme,
  • Create your own parent theme (using one of the approaches above) and child themes,
  • Use a theme framework.

Particularly interesting is the mention of the Wordpress theme customizer tool, which gives you the option to customize a theme without writing any code, simply by using a WYSIWYG interface. Check: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vD8v6u3noPg

Useful. Informative. 7710

Full article: http://wp.smashingmagazine.com/2013/03/13/guide-wordpress-theme-options/

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Scooped by Robin Good
February 12, 2013 5:12 AM

Creative Commons Licenses Explained [Infographic]

Creative Commons Licenses Explained [Infographic] | Web Publishing Tools | Scoop.it
Robin Good's insight:

Whether you are a small independent web publisher or a large organization publishing content on the web, you must be aware of the opportunities offered by Creative Commons licensing options when it comes to re-using video, images and content created by others.

This good infographic provides all of the general information and facts you need to know to get acquainted with CC licenses.

Very useful. Informative. 8/10

Original article and infographic: http://www.dontwasteyourtime.co.uk/elearning/creative-commons-infographic-licenses-explained/

(Thanks to Ana Cristina Pratas for finding this great resource)

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Scooped by Robin Good
January 27, 2013 5:53 AM

Create, Publish and Charge for Your Lessons Inside Wordpress with Sensei

Create, Publish and Charge for Your Lessons Inside Wordpress with Sensei | Web Publishing Tools | Scoop.it
Robin Good's insight:

Sensei is a Wordpress plugin which allows you to publish courses and lessons as if they were normal articles, while havin the ability to integrate video clips, quizzes and tests, and pre-requisites to be satisfied before being able to access any course.

Inside Sensei, it is also possible to set a required percentage in order to pass – and mark the lesson as complete. Sensei also provides a detailed analysis of your courses content, the grades given, and of the registered students.

Finally, Sensei perfectly integrates with WooCommerce, making it possible to charge and accept payments for accessing any such Wordpress lessons.

Price: $79

FAQ: http://www.woothemes.com/products/sensei/

More info: http://www.woothemes.com/products/sensei/

Demo: http://demo2.woothemes.com/sensei/

Kathy E Gill's curator insight, January 27, 2013 11:34 PM

Part of the WooThemes family, this plugin ($79) allows you to develop (and charge for) courses that are created inside the WP framework (posts and pages). 

Scooped by Robin Good
January 23, 2013 10:56 AM

Crowdsourced Copywriting and Translations with TextMaster

Crowdsourced Copywriting and Translations with TextMaster | Web Publishing Tools | Scoop.it
TextMaster the expert community dedicated to quality copywriting, translation and proofreading of all your texts in over 8 languages!
Robin Good's insight:

TextMaster is a crowdsourced copywriting, proofreading and text translation platform that can be utilized to obtain in a short time good quality texts on any topic assigned or translations of "original" contents you submit yourself.

TextMaster offers different three different levels of quality depending on whether you need just a basic editor or someone who is linguistically professional or even an expert in the specific topic area in which you need your content to be prepared.

Techcrunch writes: "TextMaster offers a platform for content creators to crowdsource their copywriting, translation and proofreading needs via its community of ‘professionals’ who have each gone through a quality vetting process and are paid per word.

We’ve previously described the service as a bit like Mechanical Turk but for a very specific niche.

TextMaster claims that 4,000 clients have used the service in its 12 months of operation, including AlloCiné, Cityrama, and Zagat, while its ‘crowd’ has grown to 35,000 copy editors, writers and translators who have processed “more than 12.5 million words.”

...TextMaster is available in eight languages: French, English, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, and Chinese."

I have requested an instant quote for a full translation from English to Italian by copying and pasting an article of mine of 1382 words into this page http://us.app.textmaster.com/clients/fastlane#content and got two estimates:

a) Basic level $36.76 - suggested bundle C 5,000 credits for $66.50

b) Standard level $104.48 - sugg. Bundle D 15,000 credits for $189

Free signup.

Useful links:

FAQ: http://us.app.textmaster.com/frequently-asked-questions#registration-clients

Pricing: http://us.app.textmaster.com/clients/pricing

More info: http://us.textmaster.com/

(Image credit: Shutterstock - Young businessman)

Pamela Bartar's curator insight, January 30, 2013 3:50 PM

well, if this really works, it could be a great deal, but it is has to be proofed

Scooped by Robin Good
January 20, 2013 4:22 AM

Add Extra Relevant Content To Your Articles Automatically with CTRL Search

Add Extra Relevant Content To Your Articles Automatically with CTRL Search | Web Publishing Tools | Scoop.it
Robin Good's insight:

CTRL Search is a free semantic engine utility which allows you to generate automatically meta-tags, a text summary, and a set of news, video clips or images to be added as a complement to any post or article you are bout to publish.

The only thing you need to do to make CTRL-Search work is to copy and paste the reference content that will be used to generate the reference tags, summaries and related content and to select the features you want to use.

Free to use.

Try it out now: http://ctrl-search.com/blog/

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Scooped by Robin Good
January 18, 2013 12:40 PM

Publish Anonimous Texts Instantly on the Web with Pen.io

Publish Anonimous Texts Instantly on the Web  with Pen.io | Web Publishing Tools | Scoop.it
Robin Good's insight:

Pen.io is a free web-based app to publish content (both text and images) on the web in a matter of seconds, without the need to register or login.

Content can be published with extreme ease and anonimously if you wish so. Authorship (via Twitter or email) is not mandatory.

There are a handful of basic "themes" determining the background color and the font style to be used. For the rest you just click on "Create a new page" and you are ready to type whatever you need to get published on the web instantly.

Pen.io also provides a very simple markup stile language that can be used to format further your pen.io based publications.

Pen.io pages can be password-protected and authors can also customize their URLs.

Free to use. No registration required.

Try it out now: http://pen.io/

Check also: http://pen.io/zen/

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Scooped by Robin Good
December 20, 2012 4:06 AM

Create Multilingual Websites Without Any Technical Knowledge with Edicy

Robin Good's insight:

Edicy is a web-building app that allows anyone, to create a good looking web site without needing to know any HTML code.

The service (which offers also a free version), is similar to Wix, Weebly and the many other web-building tools created for non-technical people while providing some innovative solutions to allow in-line editing of any element and to make adding new content on the page a trivial step.

In particular, Edicy provides a set of cleanly pre-designed templates that can be applied to any web site you have created in one-click, as well as integrated domain registration and assignment, the ability to create and embed forms, to create multiple language versions of the site and to have password protected areas.

I am impressed with the ease that Edicy provides in this tool, but I am still convinced that the greatest potential for making these type of tools really effective is investing in building a first-class template gallery with more variety, and specific application / use designs. What is generally available now it is just pretty but it has little or no affinity with specific onòine communication and design needs (such as having a subscription page, a product promotion page, a report page, a landing, etc.).

Design Templates Library: http://www.edicy.com/examples/designs

Examples of sites created with Edicy: http://www.edicy.com/examples

Pricing info: http://www.edicy.com/pricing

FAQ: http://www.edicy.com/support

More info: http://www.edicy.com/

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Scooped by Robin Good
October 7, 2012 10:19 PM

Transfer, Backup and Share Any Number of Images and Videos Across Your Preferred Social Media Services with Pi.pe

Transfer, Backup and Share Any Number of Images and Videos Across Your Preferred Social Media Services with Pi.pe | Web Publishing Tools | Scoop.it

Robin Good: Pi.pe is a cloud-based digital media transfer and migration service which allows you to easily migrate, backup, share or print any number of digital media files between many social media services such as Facebook Profiles and FB Pages, Picasa, Flickr, Google Drive, Dropbox, Shutterfly, CX, Box, Instagram, Photobucket, MySpace, Smugmug,  and many more.

You can transfer whole albums or individual files and can modify title, description and tags for each file if you want to.

Free to use.

Interesting info and news: http://blog.pixelpipe.com/ (last updated April 20, 2012)

Try it out now: http://pi.pe/

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Scooped by Robin Good
September 5, 2012 12:27 AM

Create and Publish Graphical and Data-Driven Content Components with SHIVA

Create and Publish Graphical and Data-Driven Content Components with SHIVA | Web Publishing Tools | Scoop.it

Robin Good: Shanti is a web app which makes it easy to create and generate embedding-code for a number of visual, graphical and data-driven outputs such as video, charts, maps, timelines and more.

In other words, "SHIVA is a web application that provides a simple and consistent interface to open source and open access tools on the web, such as Google's Visualization Toolkit and Maps, YouTube, Vimeo, and Kaltura videos, the SIMILE timeline from MIT, and images from ARTstor, Flickr, and Picasa."

"The data that drives the charts and timelines can come directly from Google Doc's online spreadsheets, facilitating collaboration between multiple contributors. The maps can have any number of overlays, including markers, images, such as historical photos, and online KML GIS files for more involved geographic information."

There is also the option to add an "annotation layer" to any of the embeddable objects generated.

"The annotation layer will enable the creating and sharing of hand-drawn and graphical annotations to be overlayed atop any of the elements, offering new narrative and communication opportunities that support inquiry."

SHIVA was developed at the University of Virginia's Science, Humanities and Arts Network of Technological Initiatives (SHANTI).

Try out SHIVA right now: http://www.viseyes.org/shiva/

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Scooped by Robin Good
August 22, 2012 3:26 AM

One-Page Builder Makes It Easy To Create Great-Looking Web Pages: Striking.ly

One-Page Builder Makes It Easy To Create Great-Looking Web Pages: Striking.ly | Web Publishing Tools | Scoop.it

Robin Good: Striking.ly is a new one-page website builder that picks up on the footsteps of Unbounce (without the fancy techy elements), Smore (while being more elegant and web-like), Jux and Imcreator by offering a very-easy to use one-page builder that makes it hard for anyone to create anything looking amateurish.

Striking.ly strikes the right chord for all those non-techie individuals who have great desire to start something on the web, but get discouraged by the complexity and technical know-how required to produce something that looks "professional".

By providing a set of well designed templates, that the user can edit without destrying them, Striking.ly offers a much easier path to a professional-looking web presence than most other, non-HTML-based website builder can provide.

With a free account you can create two one-pagers, and an use "some" of the templates available. By spending $10 to $16/mo you can create many more one-pagers, map them to your domain, and have access to analytics (plus Premium Support and more storage and bandwidth).

Pricing + FAQ: http://www.striking.ly/s/pricing#faq

Find out more, try it out now: http://www.striking.ly/

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Scooped by Robin Good
August 15, 2012 2:11 AM

Clean and Elegant Web Publishing for Everyone with Medium

Clean and Elegant Web Publishing for Everyone with Medium | Web Publishing Tools | Scoop.it

Robin Good: Medium is a new web publishing app that is characterized by:

- a clean and highly readable format

- the use of collections to group related articles

- a Pinterest-like, tile-based look that uses both text and images

- simplicity and ease of use

- rating for each content piece

- highest-rated posts show up at the top

Medium is the brainchild of Evan Williams, the founder of Blogger and Twitter.

Medium is presently in private beta, but you can sign up to be invited.

Some examples: https://medium.com/c/2a65aec3167b



Find out more: https://medium.com/p/9e53ca408c48

Sign-up: https://medium.com/

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Scooped by Robin Good
July 2, 2012 1:46 PM

Publish Your Own Personal Stories with Stolif

Publish Your Own Personal Stories with Stolif | Web Publishing Tools | Scoop.it

Robin Good: Stolif is a new web service which allows anyone to publish their own stories by posting texts, images and videos on Pinterest-like visual boards much like Pinterest does.

Stolif positions itself as a free web publishing tool for personal expression and sharing, that makes it easy for anyone to publish their favorite content.

Pages published with Stolif can be set to "public" or private and content can be easily shared with all major social media platforms.

By invitation only.

Find out more: http://www.stolif.com/ 

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Scooped by Robin Good
March 17, 2013 8:59 AM

Create Your Free One-Page Responsive Website with Aircus

Create Your Free One-Page Responsive Website with Aircus | Web Publishing Tools | Scoop.it
Robin Good's insight:

Aircus is a web publishing service which allows you to create, edit and publish a professional looking one-page web site or landing page without needing to know any HTML code and without needing to have any design skills.

Once you are registered and logged into Aircus you can easily add pre-designed content modules into your web page, and fill them with specific information or images. These modules can be easily sorted in any way you want.

An aircus web site grows as long as you need it to be as you can keep adding new content modules to it. These may include (among others):

  • Title
  • Menu
  • Services listing
  • Map
  • Contact form
  • Text box
  • Image galleries
  • Video
  • Social links
  • Comments

To make navigation easy you can also add at any point of your page a navigable menu which allows visitors to jump to any part of the page.

There are a few alternative "themes available" and you can select among different color schemes on some of them. You have no other control on fonts, text size, color and other styling elements, which I think - once given some good templates - a good thing to have.

Aircus web sites can be mapped to your own domain (for a fee) and are all fully responsive, meaning that they can be visualized properly on all kinds of devices from computer desktops to smartphones.

Free to use.

Find out more: http://www.aircus.com/

For more info contact Tomas Zeman at: info@aircus.com

Voting4all.nl's curator insight, March 19, 2013 4:00 AM

Leuk als opdracht voor de klas.

Pamela Bartar's curator insight, March 19, 2013 4:38 AM

useful for all powerusers of web 2.0

Scooped by Robin Good
March 13, 2013 8:20 AM

Layout, Share and Publish Your Multimedia Walls with Padlet

Layout, Share and Publish Your Multimedia Walls with Padlet | Web Publishing Tools | Scoop.it
The simplest way to create. From any device, with anyone.
Robin Good's insight:

Formerly known as WallWisher, Padlet is a cool web app which allows anyone to easily create, share and publish multimedia contents with extreme ease.

Padlet provides an empty canvas on which you can upload and freely position any image, link, video or file you want. Actually you have two options for layout: a) Stream (as in a blog) and b) Freeform.

Your final composition can be published as a public page, shared on social media or embedded fully inside your website or blog.

Padlet works across all types of devices and screens.

Free to use.

Examples: http://padlet.com/gallery


FAQ: http://jn.padlet.com/knowledgebase

Chrome app: http://sl.padlet.com/chromeapp

WordPress plugin: http://sl.padlet.com/shortcode-plugin

Try it out now: http://padlet.com/

Create a wall now: http://padlet.com/create

Gianfranco Marini's curator insight, March 14, 2013 5:11 AM

Mi limito a tradurre in italiano quanto scritto da Robin Good: Precedentemente conosciuto come WallWhisher, Padlet è una webapp che consente a chiounque di realizzare, condividere e pubblicare facilmente  contenuti multimediali. 

Padlet fornisce uno spazio nel quale è possibile caricare e posizionare dove si vuole qualsiasi tipo di immagine, link, video, o file. Attualmente le opzioni per il layout sono di due tipi: 1. Stream (come in un blog); 2. caricamento di uno sfondo personalizzato.

Il risultato finale può essere pubblicato come pagina pubblica, condiviso nei social media o incorporato in un sito web o blog o forum.


Posso aggiugnere che mi sembra un servizio che può essere facilmente utilizzato nella didattica in quanto offre la possibilità di creare spazi organizzati in cui presentare temi e problemi disciplinari o multidisciplinari e aggregare informazioni dal web su temi specifici. Un utile strumento per l'insegnamento e l'apprendimento.


Per utilizzarlo è sufficiente registrarsi, l'uso è libero e gratuito.









FAQ: http://jn.padlet.com/knowledgebase


Chrome app: http://sl.padlet.com/chromeapp




Scooped by Robin Good
February 2, 2013 2:07 PM

How To Use Zeen To Create a Digital Magazine

How To Use Zeen To Create a Digital Magazine | Web Publishing Tools | Scoop.it

Robin Good's insight:

A good, in-depth, illustrated review of Zeen, the new free publishing platform from the guys who launched YouTube.

Zeen is characterized by an extremely esy-to-use interface, the ability to integrated and curate any type of content easily and the option to embed the content created in it on any web site.

Recommended. 8/10

Full review: http://teksocial.com/socialblog/2013/1/30/publish-digital-magazines-with-zeen.html

Ignacio Conejo Moreno's curator insight, February 4, 2013 3:55 AM

Una curiosa utilidad, similar a otras muchas alternativas ya existentes para crear tu propio "periódico", como Paper.li y otras, pero al ser nueva, aún no conocemos del todo su potencial. Habrá que probarla.


Ignacio Conejo Moreno's curator insight, February 4, 2013 3:57 AM

Una curiosa utilidad, similar a otras muchas alternativas ya existentes para crear tu propio "periódico", como Paper.li y otras, pero al ser nueva, aún no conocemos del todo su potencial.

Habrá que probarla.

Eric Moran's curator insight, February 13, 2013 3:53 PM

Many people have asked me about Zeen. this is a great review and sums up the tool very well.

Scooped by Robin Good
January 25, 2013 1:38 PM

Restaurant Website Turnkey Publishing Solution for Wordpress: RestaurantEngine

Robin Good's insight:

If you are a restaurant owner looking for an alternative solution to hiring a web designer or an agency to create your own professional-looking website, here is a solution I personally recommend to look at.

RestaurantEngine is a turnkey publishing solution which integrates highly professional website designs that are ready to be edited, with dedicated features and integrations (reservations, menu, reviews, etc.) with other services that are designed to satisfy the restaurant web site visitors.

In other words this is a solution that can guarantee to anyone that has no technical or design skills to put together a very elegant and effective restaurant web site, which can be maintained and updated entirely by its owner, in a matter of hours/days instead of days/weeks.

RestaurantEngine works with WordPress.

For a $99 one-time fee there is also the opportunity to have the RestaurantEngine team take up all of your ready-made contents and set up the whole web site for you without you moving a finger.

Integration with other useful apps: http://restaurantengine.com/integrations/

Free 14-day trial available.

Pricing info: http://restaurantengine.com/pricing/

Site examples: http://restaurantengine.com/showcase/

More info: http://restaurantengine.com/

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Scooped by Robin Good
January 21, 2013 12:07 PM

Real-Time News Reporting with Liveblog Pro

Real-Time News Reporting with Liveblog Pro | Web Publishing Tools | Scoop.it
Liveblog Pro is the best tool for liveblogging the news. It's fast, reliable, and easy to use.
Robin Good's insight:

If you are looking for a service that allows you to report in real-time, with no no limits of contents or space, and with the ability to integrate not just text, images and video but also real-time contributions from social media, promptly formatted for maximum engagement, you need to check out LiveBlog Pro.

LiveBlog Pro is a full publishing platform for real-time blogs not a WordPress plugin. In the paid version, a white-label option allows you to turn off LiveBlog Pro official logo and to replace it with yours, you can have multiple contributors and you can embed your live blog on any web site.

There is a free basic version available to everyone.

Sign-up: http://www.liveblogpro.com/features

FAQ: http://support.liveblogpro.com/

Find out more: http://www.liveblogpro.com/

David G Boyes's curator insight, January 25, 2013 9:43 AM

Live blogging is going to get bigger – and this app looks like it does the job well.

Kaleigh MacKay's comment, February 28, 2013 12:24 PM
Don't think there is any way to add this without seeming bias, or like a sales pitch (I am not in sales) but I DO happen to work for a live blogging company, so if I can just offer the name of my company as an additional choice for this type of platform. Scribblelive www.scribblelive.com
Scooped by Robin Good
January 19, 2013 9:05 AM

Automatic Image Finder and Placeholder for Design Drafts: Lorempixel

Automatic Image Finder and Placeholder for Design Drafts: Lorempixel | Web Publishing Tools | Scoop.it
Placeholder Images for every case. Webdesign or Print. Just put a custom url in your html and you receive a proper placeholder picture
Robin Good's insight:

Lorempixel is great free tool that gets you copyright-free images instantly to fill your need for placeholder images.

You can either use the "Placeholder Generator" available on the home page of Lorempixel.com or type directly the URL of the type of image you need as in:

You can also specify the image size in the resolution you need and choose one among many content categories. For example:

Great tool.

Free to use.

Try it out now: http://lorempixel.com/

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Scooped by Robin Good
January 6, 2013 1:18 PM

Create Mini Websites with Image and Video Galleries Easily with Plebu

Create Mini Websites with Image and Video Galleries Easily with Plebu | Web Publishing Tools | Scoop.it
Create a website online that looks great on smartphones, tablets and desktops. Add pages and galleries with one button. Pick your favorite layout, colors, and font then add your logo.
Robin Good's insight:

Plebu is a website builder app for non-technical people, which integrates the ability to create easily multipage sites and to keep the "look and feel" of the site completely under control.

The app offers integrated design elements (like video or image galleries), layout and themes that can be easily changed and added at will.

The final design produced works also perfectly on any mobile device.

Features: http://plebu.com/tour/features

Pricing: http://plebu.com/tour/plans

More info: http://plebu.com/

LLatipi's curator insight, January 7, 2013 4:04 AM

Website builder app for non-technical people...

Idees's curator insight, January 9, 2013 4:34 AM


Plebu is a website builder app for non-technical people, which integrates the ability to create easily multipage sites and to keep the "look and feel" of the site completely under control.


The app offers integrated design elements (like video or image galleries), layout and themes that can be easily changed and added at will.


The final design produced works also perfectly on any mobile device.


Features: http://plebu.com/tour/features


Pricing: http://plebu.com/tour/plans


More info: http://plebu.com/




Rescooped by Robin Good from A New Society, a new education!
November 2, 2012 4:11 AM

Why Open Access Is Critical for the Future of Scientific Papers

Robin Good: Few people today are aware of how much scientific knowledge is being restricted and not made accessible to everyone, thanks to existing business model and the exorbitant subscription prices that scientific journals and magazines charge to their subscribers.

Since such journals are the key medium through which scientists can get their work published and distributed widely, the least accessible are these journals, the greater the amount of people who will not be able to read what such research documents contain.

Nick Shockey and Jonathan Eisen provide an in-depth explanation of why "open access" in the case of scientific papers is so critical for our future.

Full video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5rVH1KGBCY 

(Thanks to Ana Cristina Pratas for unearthing this one)

Via Dr. Susan Bainbridge, juandoming
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Scooped by Robin Good
September 6, 2012 1:54 AM

How To Embed Any Web Page Inside a Website Article

How To Embed Any Web Page Inside a Website Article | Web Publishing Tools | Scoop.it

Robin Good: If you need to embed a web page inside a post on your self-hosted WordPress blog here are some simple step-by-step instructions on what you need to do.

Useful. 7/10

How to: http://www.mulinblog.com/2012/07/21/how-to-embed-web-page-in-a-wordpress-blog-post/

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Scooped by Robin Good
September 2, 2012 3:20 AM

Convert Any Type of File Easily with Online-Convert

Convert Any Type of File Easily with Online-Convert | Web Publishing Tools | Scoop.it

Robin Good: If you are looking for a fast and easy solution to your file conversion needs, whether you have a video clip, an audio file, an image or an ebook, you may want to give a look to Online-Convert, an online service which allows you to convert a great number of file types.

Online-Convert is free for files up to 100MB in size.

For larger files and extra features a set of Premium plans is available. See more info here: https://www.online-convert.com/register/premium

FAQ: http://www.online-convert.com/faq

Try it out now: http://www.online-convert.com/

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Scooped by Robin Good
August 17, 2012 7:53 AM

How New Tools Are Challenging Existing Web Publishing Norms

How New Tools Are Challenging Existing Web Publishing Norms | Web Publishing Tools | Scoop.it

Robin Good: Interesting take on what is transforming the web publishing world by looking at key trends and new tools recently released. Richard McManus takes you on a short but informative ride of "the norms of publishing [which] are being challenged".

Informative. 7/10

Full article: http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/5-reasons-why-web-publishing-is-changing-again.php

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Scooped by Robin Good
July 30, 2012 9:46 AM

Where To Find Free Images for Your WordPress Blog: Dedicated Plugins

Where To Find Free Images for Your WordPress Blog: Dedicated Plugins | Web Publishing Tools | Scoop.it

Robin Good: If you use WordPress to publish your web site or blog and are often in need of finding good, quality images for your content, here is a good guide to five useful WordPress plugins which can search and find free images for you.

1. Freebie Images: Free Stock Images Plugin


2. Picasa Image Express


3. PicApp


4. Facebook Photo Fetcher


5. Photo Dropper


Resourceful. 8/10

Find out more about each one and what it can do by reading the full article here: http://www.sarkemedia.com/great-wp-plugins-for-finding-free-images/

(image credit: Carcabin.com)

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