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Web Publishing Tools
New web publishing tools for independent publishers
Curated by Robin Good
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Scooped by Robin Good
January 3, 2014 11:55 AM

A Web and Social Publishing Editorial Calendar For WordPress: CoSchedule

Robin Good's insight:

CoSchedule is a Wordpress plugin which allows anyone to draft, edit, schedule and organize an editorial posting calendar that integrates both full content and news articles management as well as all social media posts to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIN and Google+.

You can visually arrange, change, modify any post and plan exactly the date and time at which it will go out on a standard looking calendar.

A great helper for anyone needing to manage in an organized way blog posts as well as social media updates alone or in a distributed team.

Free 14-day trial. ($10/mo) - http://coschedule.com/pricing 

Try it out now: https://coschedule.com 

Features: http://coschedule.com/features 

More info: http://coschedule.com/write-a-review 

Check these reviews: 

Claudia Beggiato's curator insight, January 9, 2014 7:13 AM

Write ones and share : it's a fantastic way to save time.

Beth Kanter's curator insight, February 9, 2014 2:17 PM

Could be useful for blog schedule.

Scooped by Robin Good
September 8, 2013 3:02 PM

Make All of Your Website Content Editable In-line with Snaplive

Robin Good's insight:

Snaplive is an up and coming free, open-source CMS which allows any publisher to edit the contents of its web site directly on the page, without needing to log in to a backend system.

Snaplive works perfectly with WordPress and with the existing theme you are using and not only provides editing functions but it also allows you to add / create new content sections very easily.

"Virtually ANY existing website or theme can become a Snaplive-powered editable website in a matter of minutes.

All you need to do is add an HTML5 attribute to the div that will contain editable content."

My comment: I haven't tried Snaplive but the video is quite self-explanatory. While not the first system that attempts to provide in-line, on-the-page content editing and creation, the fact that that is free and open-source, that it can work with most any existing web sites and with any WordPress theme makes it very interesting for many a web publisher. If installing and configuring is as easy as it is promised, then this could be a godsend both for many website designers as well as for their clients. 

My compliments to Niccolò Broggi for designing such a cool, elegant and useful tool. 

Currently in private alpha.

For more info check:  http://snaplive.org 

Blog: http://snaplive.org/blog/ 

Please do support this project with your contribution here: http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/snaplive-go-live-in-a-snap--12/x/3977105 

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Scooped by Robin Good
June 12, 2012 2:24 PM

Post To Your Facebook Timeline and Selected Fan Pages Straight From WordPress: The Facebook for WordPress Plugin

Post To Your Facebook Timeline and Selected Fan Pages Straight From WordPress: The Facebook for WordPress Plugin | Web Publishing Tools | Scoop.it

From Mashable: "Facebook announced sweeping integrations for WordPress.org and WordPress.com VIP users on Tuesday morning — allowing you to add your blog content to the social network in one click.

The integrations are accessible through a Facebook for WordPress plugin and allow bloggers and administrators of WordPress-based sites to cross-publish content to WordPress, their own Facebook Timelines and the Facebook Pages they oversee.

Plugin: https://developers.facebook.com/wordpress/ 

Additional widgets available through Facebook’s new WordPress integration include:

-> an activity feed to show readers what their Facebook friends have been up to on your WordPress-powered site;

-> a recommendations plugin that suggests new articles and pages to readers as well as lets them track what they read on their Timelines;

-> customizable Like, Subscribe and Send buttons;

-> a comments box allowing readers to cross-post reactions to your site and Facebook.

(Source: http://mashable.com/2012/06/12/facebook-wordpress/

Find out more: https://developers.facebook.com/wordpress/

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Scooped by Robin Good
May 19, 2012 6:09 AM

Rich Media Publishing Kit for Your Web Site: The Cincopa Media Platform

Rich Media Publishing Kit for Your Web Site: The Cincopa Media Platform | Web Publishing Tools | Scoop.it

Robin Good: If you are looking for a series of tools and services that can allow you to publish slideshows and video clips on your web site while using personalized skins and templates Cincopa provides such resources.

The Cincopa multimedia platform allows you to enhance your web site with video, photo galleries, slideshows, podcasts and music by providing a large set of plugins and templates for  all major web publishing systems dedicated to these tasks.

"Cincopa is the most complete rich media kit for WordPress, Joomla, Blogger and many other CMS systems. Cincopa includes many videos players, slideshows, galleries, podcast, music players in many different shapes and sizes, in total over 40 skins."

Free basic service available.

Premium plan and comparison with free account: http://www.cincopa.com/cincopamanager/paypal/plans.aspx 

Find out more and samples: http://www.cincopa.com/media-platform/services 

(Thanks to Baiba Svenca for uncovering this)

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Rescooped by Robin Good from SOCIAL MEDIA, what we think about!
March 9, 2012 12:24 PM

12 Websites Types You Probably Didn’t Know You Can Build With WordPress: Tutorial

12 Websites Types You Probably Didn’t Know You Can Build With WordPress: Tutorial | Web Publishing Tools | Scoop.it
Discover these 12 *unusual* uses of the popular WordPress platform and build a plethora of creative websites using simple plugins.


WordPress is the preferred blogging platform for over 35 million bloggers, and this WordPress Tutorial will show you some very interesting (yet uncommon) ways to use WordPress. Although the majority of users choose WordPress’ easy-to-use software for blogging, its power extends far beyond building blogs and static websites. In fact, with over 12,000 plugins available today, you can make your WordPress site do virtually anything you can imagine (well…. except for maybe cutting your grass)!


Not only is it dynamic and capable of doing what you want, WordPress plugins do exactly what they are described to do and “plug right in to your WordPress blog”. This means that with simple configurations a world of opportunity is open to even the most basic user. To get your creative juices flowing, we’ve put together a list of our favorite uncommon uses of WordPress.


Read  more: http://blog.freeblogfactory.com/12-websites-you-can-build-with-wordpress/

Via Martin Gysler
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Scooped by Robin Good
January 20, 2012 12:26 PM

A Professional Content Slider Component for Your Web Site: SlideDeck

A Professional Content Slider Component for Your Web Site: SlideDeck | Web Publishing Tools | Scoop.it

SlideDeck is a Jquery-compatible add-on (adaptable to any site) as well as a WordPress plugin that allows you to organize content, images and more into professionally-designed sliding decks.

View some cool examples: 

There are two versions available:

a) Free version - fully working (it doesn't have vertical sliding options, it carries a link to slidedeck and has no pro support)

b) Pro - $99

More info on pricing: http://www.slidedeck.com/pricing/ 

Find out more: http://exclusive.slidedeck.com/ub-slidedeck/ 

(Reviewed by Robin Good)

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Scooped by Robin Good
November 29, 2013 1:41 PM

Edit All Of Your WordPress Content In-Line with Barley for WordPress

Robin Good's insight:

Barley for Wordpress is a plugin that allows you to edit, modify and write new content directly on your article pages, and not via the typical backend posting interface.

With Barley you can edit any existing web page on your site by simply clicking where you want to edit and by typing. 

My comment: Fantastic tool for those who hate having to deal with tech side of web publishing and for those web designers who have such clients. Barley is also a full design and publishing platform.

Price: $12/year/site

WordPress Plugin: http://getbarley.com/editor/wp 

More info: http://getbarley.com/ 

Brad Tollefson's curator insight, December 1, 2013 5:27 PM

Mark it up for 12/year per site...

Scooped by Robin Good
September 6, 2012 1:54 AM

How To Embed Any Web Page Inside a Website Article

How To Embed Any Web Page Inside a Website Article | Web Publishing Tools | Scoop.it

Robin Good: If you need to embed a web page inside a post on your self-hosted WordPress blog here are some simple step-by-step instructions on what you need to do.

Useful. 7/10

How to: http://www.mulinblog.com/2012/07/21/how-to-embed-web-page-in-a-wordpress-blog-post/

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Rescooped by Robin Good from Wordpress Resources
May 28, 2012 9:46 AM

How To Install Wordpress On Your Local Computer

How To Install Wordpress On Your Local Computer | Web Publishing Tools | Scoop.it

Here is a simple and illustrated tutorial on how to install WordPress on your own computer.

Doing so can have many advantages: modify themes, build your own theme or just write new articles and see how they look before publishing them on the Internet.


Useful. 7/10


Tutorial: http://wpwild.com/how-to-install-wordpress-in-your-local-computer/ ;

Via giova.panasiti
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Scooped by Robin Good
March 24, 2012 7:12 AM

Real-Time Blogging with WordPress: The P2 Theme

Real-Time Blogging with WordPress: The P2 Theme | Web Publishing Tools | Scoop.it

Robin Good: If you are looking for a way to inject new life in your Wordpress log, stimulate commenting, posting and interaction with your fans, you may want to look into Wordpress own P2 theme, which transforms your Wordpress into a Twitter-like, real-time blogging solution that it's more easy and immediate than Twitter itself. 

"P2 is a theme for WordPress that transforms a mild-mannered blog into a super-blog with features like inline comments on the homepage, a posting form right on the homepage, inline editing of posts and comments, real-time updates so new posts and comments come in without reloading, and much more." (Source: http://p2theme.com/)

Here's Matt Mullenweg story of how the P2 Theme came to be: "Almost everyone at Automattic is a blogger, but for the first couple of years of the company we didn’t blog much internally. Everything happened over IRC, Skype, and email.

...There was a disconnect we couldn’t reconcile: even though our internal blogs didn’t work out most of the company was active on Twitter every day. 

We found a solution in Prologue... but there was still a problem, Prologue was great for status updates but terribly awkward for conversation.

P2 solves all this by moving the conversation inline on the homepage.

Conversations can be fully threaded using 2.7′s new comment features."

See the P2 Theme: http://theme.wordpress.com/themes/p2/ 

Video introduction to the P2 Theme by Michael Pick: http://bit.ly/P2ThemeIntroVideo 

More info: http://en.blog.wordpress.com/2009/03/11/p2-the-new-prologue/ 

(Unearthed by Saverio Bruno) 

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Scooped by Robin Good
January 23, 2012 6:00 AM

Free Tools and Best Practices To Build and Manage Topic-Focused, Niche Reporting Independent News Sites: Project Argo

Free Tools and Best Practices To Build and Manage Topic-Focused, Niche Reporting Independent News Sites: Project Argo | Web Publishing Tools | Scoop.it

Robin Good: Project Argo is collection of tools and best practices for building topic-focused sites in WordPress.

Funded by grants from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and the Knight Foundation, Project Argo offers optimized templates, plugins, code and a several good tutorials for independent web publishers targeting a specific news topic or theme.

"If you're building a website that will feature frequent topical posts in a variety of media types, the tools we've built and the lessons we've learned are yours to use and extend."

Among the key immediate benefits Project Argo offers are:

- a set of WordPress themes optimized for niche-reporting web sites. (see the four themese here: http://argoproject.org/theme.php )

- a collection of plugins optimized for use with the Argo framework, such as the slideshow plugin or the Jiffy Post plugin which makes it quick and easy to embed links, photos, videos and rich media on your site using nothing more than a source URL. (check the plugins available here: http://argoproject.org/plugin.php )

- code and tutorials originally designed and targeted targeted at enabling small independent web publishers to curate and report on news about specific topics of local interest.

Examples of Argo Project web sites:

From the official site: "Funded by grants from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and the Knight Foundation, each site is produced by a full-time journalist-blogger (or, in some cases, a combination of full- and part-time journalists).


Recommended. 9/10

Learn more about Project Argo: http://argoproject.org/learn.php 

Find out more: http://argoproject.org/ 

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