Web Publishing Tools
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Web Publishing Tools
New web publishing tools for independent publishers
Curated by Robin Good
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Scooped by Robin Good
October 8, 2013 8:11 AM

The Best Web Publishing Tools and Services a Link Directory by Robin Good

The Best Web Publishing Tools and Services a Link Directory by Robin Good | Web Publishing Tools | Scoop.it
The best tools, web apps and resources for any independent web publisher
Robin Good's insight:

If you need a handy reference for your web publishing needs I have spent a few days pulling together the best tools I use and know-of that I would recommend to use, in an organized and curated link directory of over 70 different categories.

From "landing page builders" to "survey tools" and "domain name finders" I have you covered. 

In general, I have limited the amount of tools and services listed per category to the top 5 I know as to serve also as a curated filter for the vast number of choices available out there.

This is definitely a work in progress as you need to continuously edit, refine and improve a directory like this to make it really useful. You are welcome to suggest tools and services that I have not included and I'll make sure that if they are valid ones they get their space too.

Free to access.

Full directory: https://web-publishing.zeef.com/ 

Ricardo Serrano's curator insight, March 30, 2016 9:34 PM

If you need a handy reference for your web publishing needs I have spent a few days pulling together the best tools I use and know-of that I would recommend to use, in an organized and curated link directory of over 70 different categories.

From "landing page builders" to "survey tools" and "domain name finders" I have you covered. 

In general, I have limited the amount of tools and services listed per category to the top 5 I know as to serve also as a curated filter for the vast number of choices available out there.

This is definitely a work in progress as you need to continuously edit, refine and improve a directory like this to make it really useful. You are welcome to suggest tools and services that I have not included and I'll make sure that if they are valid ones they get their space too.

Free to access.

Full directory: https://web-publishing.zeef.com/ ;

Nurkhamimi Zainuddin's curator insight, April 3, 2016 3:07 AM
If you need a handy reference for your web publishing needs Robin Good has pulled together the best tools in an organized and curated link directory of over 70 different categories. Free to access. Full directory: https://web-publishing.zeef.com/

If you need a handy reference for your web publishing needs Robin Good has pulled together the best tools in an organized and curated link directory of over 70 different categories. Free to access. Full directory: https://web-publishing.zeef.com/

Nurkhamimi Zainuddin's curator insight, April 3, 2016 3:08 AM
If you need a handy reference for your web publishing needs Robin Good has pulled together the best tools in an organized and curated link directory of over 70 different categories. Free to access. Full directory: https://web-publishing.zeef.com/

If you need a handy reference for your web publishing needs Robin Good has pulled together the best tools in an organized and curated link directory of over 70 different categories. Free to access. Full directory: https://web-publishing.zeef.com/

Scooped by Robin Good
August 17, 2012 7:53 AM

How New Tools Are Challenging Existing Web Publishing Norms

How New Tools Are Challenging Existing Web Publishing Norms | Web Publishing Tools | Scoop.it

Robin Good: Interesting take on what is transforming the web publishing world by looking at key trends and new tools recently released. Richard McManus takes you on a short but informative ride of "the norms of publishing [which] are being challenged".

Informative. 7/10

Full article: http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/5-reasons-why-web-publishing-is-changing-again.php

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