Web Publishing Tools
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Web Publishing Tools
New web publishing tools for independent publishers
Curated by Robin Good
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Scooped by Robin Good
February 18, 2014 12:24 PM

Future Of Web Publishing And Journalism Online: Key Trends For 2014 And Beyond - Part II

Future Of Web Publishing And Journalism Online: Key Trends For 2014 And Beyond - Part II | Web Publishing Tools | Scoop.it
Robin Good's insight:

What's ahead of us when it comes to web publishing? How will the tools, methods and approaches to design, to create and to package news and information change over the course of the next few years?

In the second part of this article, I am looking at these key trends:

1) Dusk of Blogs
How blogs are changing their role and importance within the information ecosystem.

2) Beyond WordPress
WordPress has been a revolutionary tool for small and large independent web publishers. But in its fantastic growth, it may have lost track of its true original purpose. What's there now to replace it?

3) Instant Publishing
When it comes to publishing online, it's not just "ease of use" that web publishers want. Immediacy, real-time, is the new in high-demand frontier. How rapidly can you go from thinking of a promotion or a new report to actually having a professional-looking page of it online?

4) Invisible UI
Just-in-time interface controls are the future. The time of multiple toolbars with tens of buttons and icons, is definitely over. The new UI is basically invisible... until you need it.

5) Design Intelligence
The web design and publishing ecosystem presently doesn't allow for non-technical people to create and maintain professional-looking websites without having to heavily depend on a web design studio or agency. This is about to change. Rapidly.

6) Design Marketplaces
Big opportunity ahead for those who will make it easy and efficient to find, select and organize the best web design templates available out there in a fast, easy and effective fashion.

Full article: http://www.masternewmedia.org/future-webpublishing-trends-beyond-2014-part2/

Reading time: 19'

See Part I here: http://www.masternewmedia.org/future-webpublishing-trends-beyond-2014/

Barbara Saunders's curator insight, February 19, 2014 12:07 PM

. . .hmmmm interesting thoughts for beyond 2014.

Scooped by Robin Good
August 15, 2012 2:11 AM

Clean and Elegant Web Publishing for Everyone with Medium

Clean and Elegant Web Publishing for Everyone with Medium | Web Publishing Tools | Scoop.it

Robin Good: Medium is a new web publishing app that is characterized by:

- a clean and highly readable format

- the use of collections to group related articles

- a Pinterest-like, tile-based look that uses both text and images

- simplicity and ease of use

- rating for each content piece

- highest-rated posts show up at the top

Medium is the brainchild of Evan Williams, the founder of Blogger and Twitter.

Medium is presently in private beta, but you can sign up to be invited.

Some examples: https://medium.com/c/2a65aec3167b



Find out more: https://medium.com/p/9e53ca408c48

Sign-up: https://medium.com/

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Scooped by Robin Good
January 24, 2012 2:51 AM

Publish a Multimedia Web Page Instantly: Checkthis

Publish a Multimedia Web Page Instantly: Checkthis | Web Publishing Tools | Scoop.it

Robin Good: With no need for registration, no set-up, and no installation requirements Checkthis makes it as easy as it can get, to publish a web page of multimedia content on the web.

As soon as you click the Create a Page button, you can start immediately adding a main title, text, and any type of additional content including images, audio, web links, lists, video, maps, tweets and more. 

The appearance of the page can also be customized somewhat by changing the background image and specifying colors for each one of the content components present on a page.

Other features include the ability to make your web page "private" or public, and whether it will "expire" after some time. Only in the case you want to keep your web page "private" you will need to login into Checkthis by using Twitter/Facebook or Google as sign-in intermediaries. 

Useful. 8/10

Find out more or try it out immediately (better): http://checkthis.com/ 

Jodi Lynn's curator insight, May 10, 2013 11:44 AM

If you've ever thought of starting a blog or wanting to create a simple website yourself, this may be a good option for you. Also great for students!

Scooped by Robin Good
November 29, 2013 1:41 PM

Edit All Of Your WordPress Content In-Line with Barley for WordPress

Robin Good's insight:

Barley for Wordpress is a plugin that allows you to edit, modify and write new content directly on your article pages, and not via the typical backend posting interface.

With Barley you can edit any existing web page on your site by simply clicking where you want to edit and by typing. 

My comment: Fantastic tool for those who hate having to deal with tech side of web publishing and for those web designers who have such clients. Barley is also a full design and publishing platform.

Price: $12/year/site

WordPress Plugin: http://getbarley.com/editor/wp 

More info: http://getbarley.com/ 

Brad Tollefson's curator insight, December 1, 2013 5:27 PM

Mark it up for 12/year per site...

Scooped by Robin Good
March 2, 2012 8:31 AM

Structured Information Publishing with Silk

Structured Information Publishing with Silk | Web Publishing Tools | Scoop.it

Robin Good: Silk is a new web-based web publishing platform which allows anyone to easily create information-based websites, that can leverage to the max the use of structured information and tags inside the published content.

"In Silk, adding structure to content is as easy as writing it. This structure can be searched, aggregated and visualized, making it a breeze to find information."

Everyone can make a Silk site and start adding pages with text, images and links.

Key features:

- Tags: facts in your text can be tagged.

- Collaboration: you can let multiple people work on your site by inviting and managing site editors.

- History: history versions are kept of each web site edit executed, so that going back is easy.

- Domain mapping/hosting: You can run Silk on your domain, just adjust your DNS settings and you are done.

- Look and feel: Moreover, your site can be styled any way you like it. You can have your own CSS to determine background, colors and fonts to match your style.

- API - available API set

N.B.: Custom styling and Silk on your own domain are paid options.

Sample sites made with Silk: Take a look at one of our public Silk sites: Countries of the World, The Next Web Index or the Simpsons.

Video tutorials: http://www.silkapp.com/tutorials 

More info: http://www.silkapp.com/ 

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