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Web Publishing Tools
New web publishing tools for independent publishers
Curated by Robin Good
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Scooped by Robin Good
August 2, 2013 2:01 PM

Universal Subscribe and Follow Button For Any Website: SubToMe

Universal Subscribe and Follow Button For Any Website: SubToMe | Web Publishing Tools | Scoop.it

Robin Good's insight:

SubToMe is a free script which allows you both to add a simple button to your web site that makes it extremely easy for your readers to subscribe to your updates with their favorite news reader as well as for you to subscribe and follow and web site you happen to run into.

Here's what to do to make any page you have subscribable: https://www.subtome.com/#/publishers

Notes for developers: https://www.subtome.com/#/developers

WordPress widget: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/subtome

Partner reader apps: https://www.subtome.com/#/store

Find out more: https://www.subtome.com/#/

MioBook.'s comment, August 2, 2013 2:22 PM
Grazie Robin
Deanna Dahlsad's curator insight, August 2, 2013 5:44 PM

Free is good :)

Scooped by Robin Good
April 9, 2012 6:14 PM

Create Your Custom Pinterest-Like Content Magazine With Feeed

Create Your Custom Pinterest-Like Content Magazine With Feeed | Web Publishing Tools | Scoop.it

Robin Good: Feeed is a simple and elegant web-service which allows you to easily create a Pinterest-like visual magazine by aggregating any number of blogs or RSS feeds.

Just input the URL of your blog, Twitter channel, and any other site or feed you may want to include (up to 8) and Feeed will automatically aggregate and display all of the incoming content into a neat visual page. 

"Take everything you like to read – blogs, news, art and more – and get it all delivered to a site designed especially for you, by you."

Feeed.co can also be utilized as your personal news dashboard by making it easier for you to check and monitor your favorite RSS feeds on Feeed visual display. It is possible to see both all of the feeds aggregated into one as well as any individual feed alone.

The basic service is free to use and the Plus version costing $39/year allows you to:
a) add up to 40 feeds,

b) use your own domain name,

c) mix'n'match colors to make your own custom theme, and

d) mark items as favorites

Example: http://robingood.feeed.co/ 

Try it out now: http://feeed.co 

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