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New web publishing tools for independent publishers
Curated by Robin Good
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Scooped by Robin Good
February 17, 2014 11:57 AM

Collaborative Community-Based News Curation with NewsPad

Robin Good's insight:

"NewsPad is a web app that helps communities of people collaborate on news articles, even when they don’t see themselves as writers.

It helps people choose a headline, structure their article, and ask others to add material.

The software, which supports real-time collaborative editing and content curation, incorporates the best ideas from Wikipedia, Storify, and online text editors."

"NewsPad is designed for the long tail of interest of participation, a system that works well with stories that are too small for newspapers, where it might take a casual volunteer effort to create any news at all."

Newspad, which is free and open-source, is a project born out of Microsoft Fuse Labs.

Its unique strengths are:

a) easy-to-use and to post structured news content

b) collaborative - you can invite others to contribute

c) easy to distribute across multiple sites

It is an ideal tool for local and hyperlocal news sites as well as for any highly focused community of interest.

Free to use. Open-source.

Find out more: http://blog.fuselabs.org/post/76312929591/newspad-editor-is-now-open-source 


Try it out now: http://newspad.at/# 

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Scooped by Robin Good
January 23, 2012 6:00 AM

Free Tools and Best Practices To Build and Manage Topic-Focused, Niche Reporting Independent News Sites: Project Argo

Free Tools and Best Practices To Build and Manage Topic-Focused, Niche Reporting Independent News Sites: Project Argo | Web Publishing Tools | Scoop.it

Robin Good: Project Argo is collection of tools and best practices for building topic-focused sites in WordPress.

Funded by grants from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and the Knight Foundation, Project Argo offers optimized templates, plugins, code and a several good tutorials for independent web publishers targeting a specific news topic or theme.

"If you're building a website that will feature frequent topical posts in a variety of media types, the tools we've built and the lessons we've learned are yours to use and extend."

Among the key immediate benefits Project Argo offers are:

- a set of WordPress themes optimized for niche-reporting web sites. (see the four themese here: http://argoproject.org/theme.php )

- a collection of plugins optimized for use with the Argo framework, such as the slideshow plugin or the Jiffy Post plugin which makes it quick and easy to embed links, photos, videos and rich media on your site using nothing more than a source URL. (check the plugins available here: http://argoproject.org/plugin.php )

- code and tutorials originally designed and targeted targeted at enabling small independent web publishers to curate and report on news about specific topics of local interest.

Examples of Argo Project web sites:

From the official site: "Funded by grants from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and the Knight Foundation, each site is produced by a full-time journalist-blogger (or, in some cases, a combination of full- and part-time journalists).


Recommended. 9/10

Learn more about Project Argo: http://argoproject.org/learn.php 

Find out more: http://argoproject.org/ 

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