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Web Publishing Tools
New web publishing tools for independent publishers
Curated by Robin Good
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Scooped by Robin Good
March 5, 2014 2:40 PM

Online Publishing: Write Once, Post Anywhere - The Traits and Characteristics of The New CMS

Online Publishing: Write Once, Post Anywhere - The Traits and Characteristics of The New CMS | Web Publishing Tools | Scoop.it
Once upon time, back in the years before 2010, the CMS was an instrumento to create, organize, manage and publish content on a specific web property, website or blog. This classic CMS was characterized by its ability to: support
Robin Good's insight:

The new CMS is the profile of an emerging new type of content management systems that is not bound anymore to a specific web site and which acts as a hub to first gather, aggregate and filter relevant content, and then to create, edit and format it for scheduled publishing across multiple devices and types of output (email, RSS, ebook, social media, web site, blog, etc.).

Great examples of this new type of CMS are at one end of the continuum tools like Shareist, OpenTopic and B2BContentEngine and at the other simpler ones like Kurasie, Hootsuite

Here is my take on which other the key defining characteristics of this new breed of online publishing tools. 

Full article: http://www.masternewmedia.org/the-new-cms/ 

Reading time: 13'

Mohd Nafees's curator insight, October 2, 2016 5:43 AM
content management system
Scooped by Robin Good
February 18, 2014 12:24 PM

Future Of Web Publishing And Journalism Online: Key Trends For 2014 And Beyond - Part II

Future Of Web Publishing And Journalism Online: Key Trends For 2014 And Beyond - Part II | Web Publishing Tools | Scoop.it
Robin Good's insight:

What's ahead of us when it comes to web publishing? How will the tools, methods and approaches to design, to create and to package news and information change over the course of the next few years?

In the second part of this article, I am looking at these key trends:

1) Dusk of Blogs
How blogs are changing their role and importance within the information ecosystem.

2) Beyond WordPress
WordPress has been a revolutionary tool for small and large independent web publishers. But in its fantastic growth, it may have lost track of its true original purpose. What's there now to replace it?

3) Instant Publishing
When it comes to publishing online, it's not just "ease of use" that web publishers want. Immediacy, real-time, is the new in high-demand frontier. How rapidly can you go from thinking of a promotion or a new report to actually having a professional-looking page of it online?

4) Invisible UI
Just-in-time interface controls are the future. The time of multiple toolbars with tens of buttons and icons, is definitely over. The new UI is basically invisible... until you need it.

5) Design Intelligence
The web design and publishing ecosystem presently doesn't allow for non-technical people to create and maintain professional-looking websites without having to heavily depend on a web design studio or agency. This is about to change. Rapidly.

6) Design Marketplaces
Big opportunity ahead for those who will make it easy and efficient to find, select and organize the best web design templates available out there in a fast, easy and effective fashion.

Full article: http://www.masternewmedia.org/future-webpublishing-trends-beyond-2014-part2/

Reading time: 19'

See Part I here: http://www.masternewmedia.org/future-webpublishing-trends-beyond-2014/

Barbara Saunders's curator insight, February 19, 2014 12:07 PM

. . .hmmmm interesting thoughts for beyond 2014.