Web Publishing Tools
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Web Publishing Tools
New web publishing tools for independent publishers
Curated by Robin Good
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Scooped by Robin Good
June 9, 2014 3:26 PM

Archive, Share and Instantly Publish Any File or Content Online via Email: nFiles

Archive, Share and Instantly Publish Any File or Content Online via Email: nFiles | Web Publishing Tools | Scoop.it
Robin Good's insight:

nFiles is a new free web service which allows you to easily upload, store and optionally share/publish online any content or file instantly without needing to register, setup or login into any service. 

To use it you simply send an email to i@nfiles.es and you get an instant email reply with personal URLs for accessing your newly created cloud storage and sharing/publishing space. 

The space is organized in three sections: a general folder containing all the files you have uploaded, an email page where all of the emails and their contents are stored, and an image page where all of the images you have sent in are archived. 

nFiles acts also as a full screen image viewer as well as universal reader for documents of any type.

nFiles can turn also into an instant bare-bones web publishing system as this page can attest: https://nfil.es/w/3IhS2s/ - its contents are nothing more than the contents of an email sent to nFiles and publicly shared.

Storage space is unlimited. But max upload file size is 15MB.

Excellent tool for posting online images or documents rapidly and with the minimum friction. Ideal for journalists and citizen reporters in crisis situations as well as for many other reporting, sharing and educational uses. 

Free to use. No ads.

Try it out now: https://nfil.es/ 

Visual guide: https://nfil.es/w/3IhS2s/ 

Key features: https://nfil.es/#more 

Mr Tozzo's curator insight, November 28, 2014 6:07 AM

Archive, Share and Instantly Publish Any File or Content Online via Email: nFiles

Scooped by Robin Good
February 17, 2014 11:57 AM

Collaborative Community-Based News Curation with NewsPad

Robin Good's insight:

"NewsPad is a web app that helps communities of people collaborate on news articles, even when they don’t see themselves as writers.

It helps people choose a headline, structure their article, and ask others to add material.

The software, which supports real-time collaborative editing and content curation, incorporates the best ideas from Wikipedia, Storify, and online text editors."

"NewsPad is designed for the long tail of interest of participation, a system that works well with stories that are too small for newspapers, where it might take a casual volunteer effort to create any news at all."

Newspad, which is free and open-source, is a project born out of Microsoft Fuse Labs.

Its unique strengths are:

a) easy-to-use and to post structured news content

b) collaborative - you can invite others to contribute

c) easy to distribute across multiple sites

It is an ideal tool for local and hyperlocal news sites as well as for any highly focused community of interest.

Free to use. Open-source.

Find out more: http://blog.fuselabs.org/post/76312929591/newspad-editor-is-now-open-source 


Try it out now: http://newspad.at/# 

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Scooped by Robin Good
October 27, 2013 3:09 PM

The Design Editor for Print and Web: Lucidpress

The Design Editor for Print and Web: Lucidpress | Web Publishing Tools | Scoop.it
Robin Good's insight:

Lucidpress is a web app which allows you to design, layout, format and publish most any type of document or publication without needing to buy an expensive software program.

The key advantage of Lucidpress is that it offers one editing environment to prepare both print and digital publications for the web or mobile devices.

Final work can be exported to high quality PDF files, or to JPG, PNG or PDF files for individual pages. 

Lucidpress integrates with Google Drive and it allows to easily import texts, images as well as video clips from YouTube. 

My comment: There is certainly a need for an easy-to-use web-based design environment for pubs of all kinds which Lucidpress attempts to intercepts. The design app is quite powerful and well designed but unless you are a designer you are going to be disappointed with the results. Available templates are few and very old-fashioned. This is probably the area where Lucidpress has the maximum opportunity for improvement. Integrating quality design into the service and non-design customers will do the rest. 

Free to use.

Try it out now: https://www.lucidpress.com 

Tutorials: http://support.lucidpress.com/categories/20121236-Tutorials 

Margaret Waage's curator insight, October 30, 2013 4:46 PM

I'm testing this right now...looks like a wonderful tool. 

Many thanks!!

Scooped by Robin Good
January 24, 2012 2:51 AM

Publish a Multimedia Web Page Instantly: Checkthis

Publish a Multimedia Web Page Instantly: Checkthis | Web Publishing Tools | Scoop.it

Robin Good: With no need for registration, no set-up, and no installation requirements Checkthis makes it as easy as it can get, to publish a web page of multimedia content on the web.

As soon as you click the Create a Page button, you can start immediately adding a main title, text, and any type of additional content including images, audio, web links, lists, video, maps, tweets and more. 

The appearance of the page can also be customized somewhat by changing the background image and specifying colors for each one of the content components present on a page.

Other features include the ability to make your web page "private" or public, and whether it will "expire" after some time. Only in the case you want to keep your web page "private" you will need to login into Checkthis by using Twitter/Facebook or Google as sign-in intermediaries. 

Useful. 8/10

Find out more or try it out immediately (better): http://checkthis.com/ 

Jodi Lynn's curator insight, May 10, 2013 11:44 AM

If you've ever thought of starting a blog or wanting to create a simple website yourself, this may be a good option for you. Also great for students!

Scooped by Robin Good
February 28, 2014 3:53 PM

Instant Disposable Collaborative One-Page Publishing with SecretlyMeet.me

Instant Disposable Collaborative One-Page Publishing with SecretlyMeet.me | Web Publishing Tools | Scoop.it

"SecretlyMeet allows to create temporary web sites that exist up to when your browser is open and is connected to the internet. When you close your browser, all is gone."

Robin Good's insight:

SecretlyMeet is a web app which allows you to instantly publish a web one-pager in which to share, post and add any type of content you want. From text, to images, video clips, freehand drawings, embed codes, to any type of file you can post and share anything you want.

You can even post text by speaking into the page.

The page you create lives only until you keep your browser open on it. When you and the other party close the browser the page disappears forever.

To use it you just select a theme, click Start and you re provided immediately with a unique link to your page, that you can share with someone else. Unless someone else joins you on the page, you cannot start editing it.

With SecretlyMeet you have an instant publishing tool that you can use to exchange and collaborate with someone else privately as if it were a multimedia page on which to share any content desired.

The key benefit is that SecretelyMeetMe requires basically zero setup and configuration and you are ready to publish, collaborate and share immediately and leaves no trace of what you have been sharing behind you.

A live text chat window is also available on any SecretlyMeetMe to exchange in real-time with anyone else having access to it.

Free to use.

Try it out now: https://secretlymeet.me/ 

Robin Good's curator insight, February 28, 2014 3:57 PM

SecretlyMeet is a web app which allows you to instantly publish a web one-pager in which to share, post and add any type of content you want. From text, to images, video clips, freehand drawings, embed codes, to any type of file you can post and share anything you want.

You can even post text by speaking into the page.

The page you create lives only until you keep your browser open on it. When you and the other party close the browser the page disappears forever.

To use it you just select a theme, click Start and you re provided immediately with a unique link to your page, that you can share with someone else. Unless someone else joins you on the page, you cannot start editing it.

With SecretlyMeet you have an instant publishing tool that you can use to exchange and collaborate with someone else privately as if it were a multimedia page on which to share any content desired.

The key benefit is that SecretelyMeetMe requires basically zero setup and configuration and you are ready to publish, collaborate and share immediately and leaves no trace of what you have been sharing behind you.

A live text chat window is also available on any SecretlyMeetMe to exchange in real-time with anyone else having access to it.

Free to use.

Try it out now: https://secretlymeet.me/ 

aanve's curator insight, March 2, 2014 9:29 PM



Tom Short's curator insight, March 5, 2014 2:10 PM

Going to be thinking about what I could use this for...seems like it could be a great bridge between posting stuff up on an internal, persistent social web and the real time feed from a WebEx/GoToMeeting interface.

Scooped by Robin Good
February 13, 2014 12:29 PM

See Your Website with the Eyes of a First-Time Visitor: Peek

See Your Website with the Eyes of a First-Time Visitor: Peek | Web Publishing Tools | Scoop.it

See and hear a 5-minute video of a real person using your site. It's super fast, and totally free.

Robin Good's insight:

Peek is a new online service which allows you to get a real human to visit your site and to record a custom video in which your site is explored with the eyes of a first time visitor and with the recording of his own voice recounting his first time impressions.

The result is invaluable for any serious web publisher wanting to improve the organization, usability and design of its web site.

To use Peek you only need to type the URL of your preferred web site, and then wait for an email that will provide you a link with the video.

Your response time may vary, but in my case I got the video in less than hour. The clip is 6'+ minutes long and provided me immediately with lots of useful insight about what I could improve right away. 

Free to try and for three verifications every month.

Extremely useful. I'd say invaluable. Every web publisher should try it once. 

Try it out now: http://peek.usertesting.com/ 

Margaret Waage's curator insight, February 14, 2014 12:37 PM

Testing for user experience #tool #web

Patrice Leroux's curator insight, July 28, 2014 9:14 PM

Intéressant comme concept.

Scooped by Robin Good
October 8, 2013 8:11 AM

The Best Web Publishing Tools and Services a Link Directory by Robin Good

The Best Web Publishing Tools and Services a Link Directory by Robin Good | Web Publishing Tools | Scoop.it
The best tools, web apps and resources for any independent web publisher
Robin Good's insight:

If you need a handy reference for your web publishing needs I have spent a few days pulling together the best tools I use and know-of that I would recommend to use, in an organized and curated link directory of over 70 different categories.

From "landing page builders" to "survey tools" and "domain name finders" I have you covered. 

In general, I have limited the amount of tools and services listed per category to the top 5 I know as to serve also as a curated filter for the vast number of choices available out there.

This is definitely a work in progress as you need to continuously edit, refine and improve a directory like this to make it really useful. You are welcome to suggest tools and services that I have not included and I'll make sure that if they are valid ones they get their space too.

Free to access.

Full directory: https://web-publishing.zeef.com/ 

Ricardo Serrano's curator insight, March 30, 2016 9:34 PM

If you need a handy reference for your web publishing needs I have spent a few days pulling together the best tools I use and know-of that I would recommend to use, in an organized and curated link directory of over 70 different categories.

From "landing page builders" to "survey tools" and "domain name finders" I have you covered. 

In general, I have limited the amount of tools and services listed per category to the top 5 I know as to serve also as a curated filter for the vast number of choices available out there.

This is definitely a work in progress as you need to continuously edit, refine and improve a directory like this to make it really useful. You are welcome to suggest tools and services that I have not included and I'll make sure that if they are valid ones they get their space too.

Free to access.

Full directory: https://web-publishing.zeef.com/ ;

Nurkhamimi Zainuddin's curator insight, April 3, 2016 3:07 AM
If you need a handy reference for your web publishing needs Robin Good has pulled together the best tools in an organized and curated link directory of over 70 different categories. Free to access. Full directory: https://web-publishing.zeef.com/

If you need a handy reference for your web publishing needs Robin Good has pulled together the best tools in an organized and curated link directory of over 70 different categories. Free to access. Full directory: https://web-publishing.zeef.com/

Nurkhamimi Zainuddin's curator insight, April 3, 2016 3:08 AM
If you need a handy reference for your web publishing needs Robin Good has pulled together the best tools in an organized and curated link directory of over 70 different categories. Free to access. Full directory: https://web-publishing.zeef.com/

If you need a handy reference for your web publishing needs Robin Good has pulled together the best tools in an organized and curated link directory of over 70 different categories. Free to access. Full directory: https://web-publishing.zeef.com/