Eye Tracking 101: How Your Eyes Move on a Website | Readin', 'Ritin', and (Publishing) 'Rithmetic | Scoop.it

Engage website visitors better by designing your site to match how people's eyes move on the page. Here are some surprising eye tracking stats to help.


Putting together a great looking website is a great start, but it is just a start.


True web design requires you to venture beyond the aesthetic and into the worlds of User Experience and Conversion Rate Optimization.

Knowing how the viewers of your site really see it can help to shine light on new and/or missed opportunities within your current design. It may also bring out the need for new elements or changes.


While there are plenty of options for improving CRO, eye tracking analysis provides some of the most useful information for optimizing your biggest digital marketing asset, your website.


A good design will catch people’s eye, but a great design will keep people on your site and get them engaged with your content. And while you shouldn’tunderestimate the power of good copy, your design is what people notice first.


We teamed up with our friends over at Single Grain to put together the infographic below in hopes that it will help everyone get a better, basic understanding of what eye tracking is and what it can do.