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Spanish Left Has A Chance To Do "Syriza 2.0" At General Election, Says British Writer Paul Mason

Spanish Left Has A Chance To Do "Syriza 2.0" At General Election, Says British Writer Paul Mason | Peer2Politics |
"No democracy" inside the euro: "If you vote for what you want, the EU will crush you".
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Syriza did not support the commons! | P2P Foundation

Syriza did not support the commons! | P2P Foundation | Peer2Politics |
Despite its stated poliical intentions, which we reported about in this blog, every time push came to shove, Syriza did not support commons solutions, shows Theodoros Karyotis in ROAR magazine (which is now a print publication as well), highlighting different case studies: “Let us look into some examples where the SYRIZA government, instead of ratifying …
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Greece Syriza - Creative Resistance | Jacobin

fter Syriza accepted a third austerity memorandum for Greece and called early elections, much of its leadership left the party. Some formed Popular Unity, while others are still searching for a new home to continue the fight against austerity.

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Greek elections: do Syriza want to win? — Light on a Dark Mountain — Medium

Greek elections: do Syriza want to win? - Light on a Dark Mountain - Medium

Alexis Tsipras’ final election rally had the usual soundtrack and familiar props but a different cast. After more than a fifth of his MPs split to form a new left party, the inner core of party activists behind the stage were nervous. Would anybody more than the party faithful come?

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SYRIZA Central Committee Session Turns into a Battlefield |

SYRIZA Central Committee Session Turns into a Battlefield | | Peer2Politics |
Greece's ruling party looks likely to will split in two after Thursday's Central Committee session saw the Left Platform accusing Tsipras of "shackling Greece."
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SYRIZA Left Platform Attacks Tsipras, Party Split 'Unavoidable' |

SYRIZA Left Platform Attacks Tsipras, Party Split 'Unavoidable' | | Peer2Politics |
SYRIZA's left platform attacked Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras for not having a Plan B and succumbing to creditors to sign a deal that goes against party policy
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IMF: austerity measures would still leave Greece with unsustainable debt

IMF: austerity measures would still leave Greece with unsustainable debt | Peer2Politics |
Secret documents show creditors’ baseline estimate puts debt at 118% of GDP in 2030, even if it signs up to all tax and spending reforms demanded by troika
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The battle within Syriza

The battle within Syriza | Peer2Politics |
For many Syriza members, the proposals announced by Tsipras yesterday will represent less a "rescue" for the Greek people than a surrender to the punitive terms—and "delusional economics"—of the troika. We re-publish an article from Politico by David Patrikarakos examining the divergent views within Syriza that will determine its ultimate decision. By David Patrikarakos, 18/6/15, updated 19/6/15. I wait in the reception area of the Mégaro Maxímou, the office of the prime minister of Greece,
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Drip Feeding Greece Will End in Default

Drip Feeding Greece Will End in Default | Peer2Politics |
Dimitri Lascaris and Leo Panitch discuss the Athenian proposal which rejected pension cuts but included closing military bases - Interviewed by Sharmini Peries
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Prime Minister of Greece | Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras’ article in Le Monde newspaper: Europe at crossroads

On 25th of last January, the Greek people made a courageous decision. They dared to challenge the one-way street of the Memorandum’s tough austerity, and to seek a new agreement. A new agreement that will keep the country in the Euro, with a viable economic program, without the mistakes of the past.

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Towards a peer society based on the commons | Open Thoughts

Towards a peer society based on the commons | Open Thoughts | Peer2Politics |

If the previous decade brought the business embrace of Linuxfree software and the knowledge commonsof science and technology to the fore, the present one marks their entry into the field of politics as discourses with broad social acceptance. From the FLOK Society project in remote Ecuador to Cooperativa Integral Catalana (CIC) in Spain and SYRIZA in Greece, the epicentre of discussion is a model for the organization of social, political, economic and cultural life, based on the principles of peer production and governance, of social and solidarity economy, and of the social-collective goods which we refer to as “the Commons”.

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The Greek Government’s programme: an act of defiance or a call for compromise?

The Greek Government’s programme: an act of defiance or a call for compromise? | Peer2Politics |
By Eleftherios Antonopoulos & Konstantinos Kostagiannis
International media described the Greek prime minister’s address to the parliament on Sunday as “defiant” (BBC and Reuters for example).
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New Poll: SYRIZA has Comfortable Lead Over New Democracy

New Poll: SYRIZA has Comfortable Lead Over New Democracy | Peer2Politics |
Greek ruling party SYRIZA leads by a wide margin over main opposition New Democracy, according to a Metron Analysis opinion poll conducted on behalf of newspaper “Parapolitika,” published on Saturday.
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The Inside Story of Syriza’s Struggle to Save Greece

The Inside Story of Syriza’s Struggle to Save Greece | Peer2Politics |

Yanis Varoufakis is pacing the marble hall, cellphone to his ear. In the Maximos Mansion, where the cabinet is about to meet, there’s a “spy room” for secure communications. But by June 21, Varoufakis—hunched against a statue—no longer needs it.

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Chronicles of a Defeat Foretold | ROAR Magazine

Chronicles of a Defeat Foretold | ROAR Magazine | Peer2Politics |
SYRIZA's crash landing exposed broken promises, lost opportunities and a bitter divorce with the movements. The future now lies with the commons.
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A Nail-biting Exercise For Alexis Tsipras

A Nail-biting Exercise For Alexis Tsipras | Peer2Politics |

We’re sitting on the roof terrace of a restaurant at the foot of the Acropolis, with the brightly lit temple above us. But the mood among the company this evening is far from good. “I’ll never forgive those Syriza guys to the point that, thanks to them, I almost want the Conservatives to win the election,” one of the women there tells me. “Last week I spoke to my Dad, an old communist, who always stood firm in the fight against right-wingers. I sort of muttered under my breath: ‘Shouldn’t one for once not consider voting for the Conservatives?’ And even my Dad said: ‘Well worth thinking about.’ And if even he’s gone that far…”

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Guardian Live | Yanis Varoufakis and Pablo Iglesias in conversation | The Guardian Membership

Guardian Live | Yanis Varoufakis and Pablo Iglesias in conversation | The Guardian Membership | Peer2Politics |

Ever since the financial crash, the left has struggled to articulate a future for Europe that takes into account the needs of all its citizens. But this year, two anti-austerity movements with very different styles have shot to prominence and to popularity - Syriza in Greece and Podemos in Spain. Does Syriza's election victory augur well for Podemos in a Spanish vote later this year? Does Syriza's difficulties in office signal dangers ahead for leftists who manage to win power? How can the European left roll back austerity?

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Syriza's dilemma, and ours | openDemocracy - Open Democracy

Syriza's dilemma, and ours | openDemocracy - Open Democracy | Peer2Politics |
Do the “agreements” reached on July 13 mark the end of an era? Yes, but certainly not in the sense suggested by the press release of the “summit”. Italiano. Français.
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Greece debt crisis: Tsipras facing eurozone deal revolt

Greek MPs are debating tough economic measures they must approve by the end of the day in order for an €86bn eurozone bailout deal to go ahead.
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Economic terrorism

Economic terrorism | Peer2Politics |
We've made hope return to Europe. -- Yanis Varoufakis Sunday’s referendum will take place under a kind of financial warfare not seen in the history of modern states. -- Paul Mason Greece is being s...
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Six key points about Greece's debt • Jubilee Debt Campaign UK

Six key points about Greece's debt • Jubilee Debt Campaign UK | Peer2Politics |
Greece’s election has delivered a clear rejection of Troika-imposed austerity and the EU’s approach to the crisis. Here are six key points about Greece’s debt. 1) European banks were bailed out, not the people of Greece It is not the people of Greece who have benefitted from bailout loans from the IMF, EU and European [...]
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Young Greek radicals don’t just want power – they want to remake the world | Paul Mason

Young Greek radicals don’t just want power – they want to remake the world | Paul Mason | Peer2Politics |
For the new generation of voters, identity and integrity has replaced ideology. So far, they have deferred to the old institutions – but soon they will have to invent new ones
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Will Greece's SYRIZA Party Truly Adopt the Commons?

Will Greece's SYRIZA Party Truly Adopt the Commons? | Peer2Politics |
Just after the elections in Greece, there was widespread feeling of jubilation about the newly elected "radical" left government, SYRIZA. Across Europe, and indeed even in the US, people came out to show their support for the game-changing results of the vote.
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SYRIZA’s Left Platform Asks Govt Not to Sign Agreement with Creditors

SYRIZA’s Left Platform Asks Govt Not to Sign Agreement with Creditors | Peer2Politics |
The left platform of SYRIZA criticized Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras for backing down on Monday’s Eurogroup negotiations and asks for rift with creditors.
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Chomsky: Greece’s Syriza & Spain’s Podemos Face "Savage Response" Taking on Austerity "Class War"

Chomsky: Greece’s Syriza & Spain’s Podemos Face "Savage Response" Taking on Austerity "Class War" | Peer2Politics |
Following its election in January on a pledge to confront the austerity program that’s decimated Greece’s economy, the Syriza government has faced a major pushback from international creditors led by Germany.
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