Digital Marketing Power
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Digital Marketing Power
Everything you need to know about digital, mobile & social media marketing to help you engage your audience & drive new business
Curated by Gary Hitching
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What is My Email Marketing Missing? Getting Back to Basics

What is My Email Marketing Missing? Getting Back to Basics | Digital Marketing Power |
From personalized subject lines to custom content videos, emails are getting flashier. After all, marketers are continually looking to improve results with an edge over the competition. There’s always a new tactic, technology or theory that promises to drive more opens, clicks and conversions. The problem is that in our zeal to find “the next big thing,” we often lose sight of what really matters: putting together the right foundational elements that will drive sales consistently and predictably.Here are four basics every successful email marketing strategy should include. By getting back to these basics, you can rest assured that you’ve built a strong foundation to support all that flashy content.
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How to Make Your Subscribers Stay in Your List

How to Make Your Subscribers Stay in Your List | Digital Marketing Power |
There are many reasons for having a list. It could be for news disseminating purposes, for your latest posts, for paid information, or most likely for marketing things around people who’re interested enough to sign up. Whatever the reason is, list collectors agree on the same thing- we all want to keep our subscribers loyal and never leaving.
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Evolving Your Email Marketing From Crawl To Walk To Run To PR

Evolving Your Email Marketing From Crawl To Walk To Run To PR | Digital Marketing Power |


Now that email marketing has been around for years, every retailer has an email marketing program. But, each program is at a different level of sophistication.

Do you ever wonder where your program ranks compared to others? Need helping mapping out where to go from where you are?

The crawl, walk, run metaphor and PR can resonate with many marketers. Many times after finishing a race, you will hear a runner say, “I’m never doing that again!” But after just a few days, the runner is already planning her/his next race.

Getting to the finish is hard, and at times may not seem worth it; but in the end, you can recognize your achievements and realize you can push yourself to be better, both as a runner and as an email marketer.


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Why Purchased Email Lists Are Not Compatible With Inbound Marketing

Why Purchased Email Lists Are Not Compatible With Inbound Marketing | Digital Marketing Power |

The concept of inbound marketing is to provide great content to attract visitors to your site, convert them into leads, create a relationship with them, close them as customers, and then delight those customers. I have seen this methodology provide significant and powerful results across all different industries. Committing to an inbound marketing methodology, however, can require considerable manpower and time. It can also be a slow process in the beginning, which can be frustrating.

It usually takes 3-6 months to start seeing the benefits and results. So when companies are eager to get leads for their sales team during this beginning time period, purchasing email lists starts to look pretty attractive to them. Great idea, right? Think again.

This is all too common of a strategy for companies and unfortunately what tends to happen is that marketing departments waste thousands of dollars on useless leads that are cold and old.

Gary Hitching's insight:

This is an interesting debate to be had. Most Inbound marketers would agree with the points made in this post.  However, if you are using small volume list purchased email followed by outbound calling, it can be a very effective strategy.

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Three Powerful Ways to Measure the Impact of Your Email Marketing

Three Powerful Ways to Measure the Impact of Your Email Marketing | Digital Marketing Power |

In today's world, knowing how an individual email campaign performed on a one-time basis is not enough. To learn whether your company is deriving true value from email marketing, you need both broader and deeper perspectives offered by program- and list-level analyses.

Though email campaign process metrics such as delivery, open, and click-through rates have their place, if you don't look beyond them... the true impact of your email marketing—and opportunities for continuous improvement—will go undetected.

It's high time for email marketers to assess email marketing performance in relation to goals, objectives, and contribution expectations that matter.

So, what matters?

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9 Easy Tips to Increase Your Email Marketing Sign Ups

9 Easy Tips to Increase Your Email Marketing Sign Ups | Digital Marketing Power |

If we have to be honest and real about event marketing, we have to admit that the email newsletter is still the King. You will get more traction from an email newsletter than you will any social campaign hands down; no shit.

Emails are marketing gold and getting your attendees or potential attendees to part with their email address, that little slice of “butts in the seats”, is one of the hardest things you will ever do. Let’s talk turkey and admit that simply sticking an email newsletter sign-up in the sidebar of your website is just not gonna cut it, you have to do more. You have to give your attendees a reason to want to trust that signing up for yet one more email newsletter is the right thing to do.

What special sauce is needed to get people opting in? Well, it is different for every event or conference but here are 9 simple things that you can try. One or more will work, you just have to hit on the right combination. Don’t be afraid to try more than one.

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Digital Marketing Power - My Curation Topic

Digital Marketing Power - My Curation Topic | Digital Marketing Power |

I've been fascinated with digital marketing and its possibilities ever since the term was coined. I guess that's because I've been professionally involved in sales and marketing for over 20 years now, way before the invention of the internet. I remember trying to think of a suitable title to encapsulate what digital marketing means to me and I realised that the word POWER had to be in there. When you think about it, when has there ever been a time in the history of commercial marketing and PR where a one man band or small business could compete with a multinational or global business. Digital marketing (when executed correctly) can level the playing field. My objective with 'Digital Marketing Power' is to select the best content from the best content producers around the world based on the following 3 key principles; 1) Education - provide hot tips and advice which you can use in your business immediately to make a difference 2) well written and nicely presented content for your enhanced experience and 3) evergreen content - so you can go back and reference this material regularly if you so choose. This is not a news site. Finally, I wanted to take this opportunity to mention my business, Gary Hitching Associates. I'm a business development consultant and specialise in lead generation, sales and customer retention for mainly SME businesses. Digital marketing and social media marketing are very significant components of my business development toolkit. Please feel free to visit my website and download a free copy of my 'Marketing Audit Checklist'

Gary Hitching's insight:

It would be great if you want to follow this topic.  I would really welcome your feedback on this curation site including any suggestions for improving your experience.  Please feel free to share the content - there are plenty of ways you can do this. May the digital marketing force be with you!


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The future of email marketing and three ways it must evolve

The future of email marketing and three ways it must evolve | Digital Marketing Power |

Email has been around for a while now, and it’s done us all proud. The ubiquitous method of communication is so pervasive as a communication method that not having one is even more unusual than not having a telly (brave souls).

It’s difficult to talk about a new communication channel without comparing it to email, and for email to remain relevant it needs to evolve to give consumers what they now expect from digital communication channels.


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The Best Time To Never Send Email

The Best Time To Never Send Email | Digital Marketing Power |

"I’ve had enough" says Scott Stratten. Every month a new “study” comes out to say when the best time is to send email out to your list/subscribers/mother.  If you're not familiar with Scott's approach then you're in for a treat.  Also check out his book 'Unmarketing' - one of the best I've read recently on online marketing.

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Why Email Marketing Delivers The Goods

Why Email Marketing Delivers The Goods | Digital Marketing Power |

Email marketing has become one of the principal methods business uses to market to leads and existing customers. We know it’s a cost effective method to market our business yet we don’t often see direct analysis of exactly how cost effective it is.

A recent article in the Harvard Business Review reported on an experiment proving how effective email marketing is, and HubSpot developed their numbers further to determine the ROI of the examples tested.

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Infographic: How Social Media Links Help Email Marketing

Infographic: How Social Media Links Help Email Marketing | Digital Marketing Power |

Are you including ways for people to share what you’re emailing them about? If not, think again. Adding a way to share your emailed content can double your clickthrough rate when those emails are read by those on Facebook and Twitter and quadruple them when read by those on LinkedIn. That’s a pretty easy conversion win — but only about 20% of email marketers include social sharing links in their emails. These stats and more on the subject were compiled into an infographic by the folks at GetResponse:

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Is Your Email Marketing Strategy Like A Bad Case of Diarrhea?

Is Your Email Marketing Strategy Like A Bad Case of Diarrhea? | Digital Marketing Power |

If you hear, “Put down the burrito and step away from the re-fried beans”, coming through a megaphone from the other side of your office, you know you have a problem. Unlike when you have a problem with your email marketing efforts, there is no one with a megaphone letting you know you’re in trouble. The problem is that most people don’t realize they have a problem; unlike a bad case of you know what. We’ve all been there. You don’t know where it started. You don’t know how to fix it. And, unfortunately, you don’t know what to do about it. If, after taking a step back, you realize that your marketing strategy is about as pretty as a greasy bean and cheese burrito, on the exit, it’s time to rethink your strategy. The last thing you want is for it to get out of control. Email marketing isn't a science, but there are basic rules you need to follow.

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Email Marketing Tips - Subject Lines

Email Marketing Tips - Subject Lines | Digital Marketing Power |

Recognising the importance of subject lines is a key step for any email marketer. The subject line represents your opening gambit, your chance to grab the recipient’s attention and encourage them to not only open your message, but to take the time to read your email. Many believe that the subject line is the most important element of an email marketing campaign as if it fails to convert (achieving an open) your email will not be read and the money invested into content, design, testing and sending will be wasted.

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Email Marketing Rules Every Marketer Must Know

Email Marketing Rules Every Marketer Must Know | Digital Marketing Power |

Email marketing may not be the trendiest marketing tactic right now but it still works. Email is where you warm your leads up for a potential sale. If you’re using social media for lead generation, completing the nurturing process through email can be very effective. If you want to generate leads, convert leads, and develop a relationship with your customers, you must use email marketing effectively.

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14 Email Marketing Statistics You Need to Know

14 Email Marketing Statistics You Need to Know | Digital Marketing Power |

With exponentially growing interest in Social-Local-Mobile (SoLoMo), it’s easy to think of email marketing as passé; some have even gone so far as to declare its death. Most marketers know that this is simply untrue. The rise of new digital channels has, of course, had a significant impact on how marketers use email. There are certainly new challenges, but data shows us that the reward for successful email marketing continues to grow. The statistics I have collected below tell not one, but many stories depending on who you are and what your marketing goals are.

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5 Ways to Move Marketing Automation Beyond Email Marketing

5 Ways to Move Marketing Automation Beyond Email Marketing | Digital Marketing Power |

Marketing automation may still rely on email for most of the communication work, but times are quickly changing. Sophisticated marketing automation focuses more heavily on user behavior, providing visitors with the right content at the right time in the buying cycle—on any channel. To achieve this, you have to move beyond mass email campaigns and, instead, shift focus to personalized, content-focused lead nurturing.

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Is it Time to Rethink Your Email Marketing?

Is it Time to Rethink Your Email Marketing? | Digital Marketing Power |

Over the last few years, people have started to think differently about the ways in which they access information online.

With the majority of Americans now using smartphones and almost a third of adults accessing the internet via a tablet, convenience and instant access has become the trademark of a positive online experience.

It should come as no surprise that in a recent study, 55 percent of consumers said that a poor mobile experience would negatively impact their perception of the brand.

If you run a small business or nonprofit organization, you need to rethink the way you deliver information to your target audience.

With 43 percent of emails now being opened on a mobile device, email marketing is a great place to start.


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5 email marketing pitfalls to avoid

5 email marketing pitfalls to avoid | Digital Marketing Power |

As with all things in life, in email marketing there are a lot of things you can learn from the mistakes you made. Even better though, is to learn from other people’s mistakes.

Here are five email marketing mistakes other people already made, so you don’t have to:


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5 Email Marketing Tactics from Barack Obama

5 Email Marketing Tactics from Barack Obama | Digital Marketing Power |

The Barack Obama campaign raised almost $700 million dollars online – and almost all of that came from emails. The same email strategies they took advantage of can work for your business too – and they don’t require having a 100-person team of volunteers.

Here are 5 Email marketing tactics businesses worldwide can learn from Barack Obama’s campaign…

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What’s New in Recent Email Marketing Research

What’s New in Recent Email Marketing Research | Digital Marketing Power |

As online professionals, we spend a lot of our time testing, researching and applying new strategies to create “best practices.” Sometimes these practices apply to everyone and sometimes they just apply to us. It’s the “testing” part of it that’s so crucial to determine which is which.

Along with the most popular content, publishers pay close attention to click-throughs per campaign, revenue per subscriber, revenue per thousand emails sent and revenue per campaign. These metrics help you plan future email marketing campaigns and create new best practices for your company.

Understanding these metrics and detailing them each quarter can help you tighten up any weak links in your email newsletters and email marketing campaigns. And that’s without considering the actual design of your email pieces.

This post outlines some recent research. Do you agree/disagree with some of the findings?

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5 Top Ways to Boost Email Marketing Results and Impact

5 Top Ways to Boost Email Marketing Results and Impact | Digital Marketing Power |

There couldn’t be a better time to strategize final changes and improvements to your 2013 email marketing programs as you ready them for launch. In fact, while many of your new year’s email plans may be firmly sketched out, it’s not too late to give them a final polish with these insights and tweaks. Knowing where to amplify, adjust or even contract can take your email marketing programs from “ho-hum” to significantly greater impact on your bottom line in 2013. Here are five recommendations for boosting email marketing results and impact in the coming year. Stay tuned in January for even more ideas to make 2013 your email program’s most successful year yet!

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Selling Online: Email and Search are Key Drivers

Selling Online: Email and Search are Key Drivers | Digital Marketing Power |

Forrester’s recently published The Purchase Path of Online Buyers offers insights that aren’t surprising to many in the know. Email and search are the key drivers of online sales, with social contributing only a tiny bit.

You can of course buy  the paid report, but if you don’to, the bottom line is that smart retailers are using paid search and sophisticated email marketing to drive sales and repeat business. This article will give you the key findinds of the Forrester report.

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Email Faster & Better With Canned Responses

Email Faster & Better With Canned Responses | Digital Marketing Power |

Don’t have time to cook lunch? No problem, grab a can. Need some camping chow that won’t go bad? Easy, get some canned food. Tired of typing the same email replies? Try canned emails! Think I’m kidding? Think again. Canned responses, or canned replies, are a feature that too many users have never even tried, but once you’ve tried them, there’s no turning back.

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4 Ways to Build Your Email List With Facebook Timeline

4 Ways to Build Your Email List With Facebook Timeline | Digital Marketing Power |

Your brand’s Facebook page is changing tomorrow. On March 30th, Facebook will switch all brand pages to its Timeline layout. This might create some unique challenges for your current list building strategy. Don’t worry – you can still use our Facebook web form app like you always have. But Timeline does not allow brand pages to set a custom landing page. That means it’s time to get creative in drawing attention to your email sign up form. We’ve got a few ideas to help you prepare for the switch.

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Is Facebook Killing Off Email Marketing?

Is Facebook Killing Off Email Marketing? | Digital Marketing Power |

The rise of Facebook, Twitter and other social networking platforms are challenging the traditional methods of messaging with Facebook announcing a "Modern New Messaging System" and even major brands such as Ben&Jerry announcing that they will will no longer be emailing but “Facebooking” updates to their Facebook news feed instead.

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