In short: ICE is an open-source customizable JavaScript library, created by the New York Times newsroom, that will allow you to track changes in any element that is "contenteditable", or in a TinyMCE or Wordpress text editor."
From a review on ICE by "When you’re working in a collaborative environment as we and a lot of journalistic organizations are, you really need that ability for multiple people to touch a piece of copy, and for those changes that everyone has made to be catalogued and archived and shown, so that there’s a record of who’s done what to who, when. …
No one on the Web had such a thing, because most bloggers, when you think about that, are smaller operations than most newsrooms."
ICE demo:
- "Changes made by different users are marked with strikethroughs or highlights.
- A user can press a button to accept or reject a particular change or all of them.
- It looks a lot like revision tracking in Microsoft Word."
Right now ICE will work with WordPress and TinyMCE. The Times also has released the code on Github so that other developers can integrate it into other publishing platforms and modify it if they see fit.
More info:
(Curated by Robin Good)